Gas Tax Increase Bill Passes House in 60 to 37 Vote

Tennessee Star

Tennessee StarGovernor Haslam’s IMPROVE Act, “Tax Cut Act of 2017,” which will increase the gas tax by 6 cents per gallon and the diesel tax by 10 cents per gallon passed the Tennessee House of Representatives late Wednesday in a 60 to 37 vote.

Thirty-seven Republicans and 23 Democrats voted yes.

Thirty-five Republicans and 2 Democrats voted no. (Note: The count in the image on the right, provided in real time to The Tennessee Star by a source on the floor of the House, miscounted one Democrat as a Republican.)

House Majority Leader State Rep. Glen Casada (R-Franklin) did not vote.

Speaker Beth Harwell (R-Nashville) was among the Republicans who voted yes.

State Rep. John Mark Windle and State Rep. G.A. Hardway were the lone Democrat who voted no.

The State Senate is almost certain to pass a similar version of the bill, which will then go to Conference Committee to iron out any minor differences.

Gov. Haslam is then expected to sign the final bill into law.



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  3. […] was one of 35 Republican members of the House of Representatives who voted against Governor’ Haslam’s gas tax increase in the critical House vote in April where the bill passed by a 60 to 37 […]

  4. […] April 19, Rep. Lynn was one of 37 Republicans and 23 Democrats who voted for the gas-tax increase containing IMPROVE […]

  5. […] and Tennessee consumers will see a sharp increase in prices at the pump thanks to increased taxes; while South […]

  6. […] I have held cordial and pleasant relationships with most of my local area Republican representatives.  But being friends on a political or even social level, does not mean that one should turn a blind eye, or censor one’s comments.  The fact is that when those professing to be fiscal conservatives while campaigning, violate fiscal conservatism when elected, it’s incumbent in our form of government to call these individuals to account.  The full list of legislators who voted for and against the Gas Tax is here. […]

  7. […] of the 25 Democrats in the House voted for Gov. Haslam’s gas tax increasing IMPROVE Act last Wednesday,  amid rumors of a $250 […]

  8. […] on the gas tax increases included in the Improve Act “Tax Cut Act of 2017” recently passed by both the Tennessee House of Representatives and the Tennessee State […]

  9. John Elmore

    Will remember this at the next election.

  10. […] the Tennessee House of Representatives passed Governor Haslam’s gas tax increase bill by a 60 to 37 margin on Wednesday, a bare majority of Republicans–37 for and 35 against—voted yes in favor of the […]

  11. Cannoneer2

    My Representative, State Rep. Susan Lynn: ‘I Am Not For The Gas Tax So There Is Nothing To Debate’. Sure. I see “Lynn” in the aye tally. How about an explanation here?

  12. […] tax hike, in the hours leading up to Wednesday’s action on the bill. The bill passed in both the House and […]
